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Friday, April 08, 2011

End of Year CWOSSA Wrap-Up

Stay tuned for the end-of-year CWOSSA wrap-ups, which will start in the next few days.

We'll cover all of the burning "end of year" questions including:

1.  My "All-CWOSSA" team (both junior & senior)
2.  My "All-CWOSSA" rookie team (seniors only)
3.  A top "5-10" prospects in this year's class, as well as in future years.  We'll try to get some detailed info to see who is planning on coming back, who's on the fence, and who is gone for sure among our grade 12s.

In addition, there will be a couple of opinion pieces.  Generally, these will be relating to the "much discussed" issues throughout the season, or things that I've received a lot of feedback on.


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