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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Contest: Design a New CWOSSABasketball.com Logo!

It's time for a new look.

I'm looking for someone to design a new CWOSSABasketball.com logo, which will be used for all social media avatars (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), as well on (obviously) this website and possibly future promotional/sponsorship items.

What's in it for the winner?  A new "maple smelling" $100 bill......not to mention something cool that you can put on your resumé.

Here's how it works:

1.  Design your ORIGINAL (ahem!) logo, and submit your entry via e-mail (mark @ cwossabasketball.com).  The file should be in image format (e.g., .gif, .jpeg).  Make sure you include your contact details, including full name, contact phone number and e-mail.

2.  Contest will close on June 30th, 2013.  At that time, I will select my five favourite entries received, and will post these on the website.

3.  The winner will be determined by a combination of public voting (poll on CWOSSABasketball.com) - 40% of final "grade", and the opinion of a panel of my friends and colleagues (60%). 

Any questions?  Let me know via e-mail or on Twitter @CWOSSABball.