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Thursday, December 13, 2012

D8 Midget League Tips Off Today

The D8 midget league, which enters its 6th season since being re-inserted into the athletic offerings of D8, tips off with a triple-header today at Resurrection CSS in Kitchener.

For those not in the know, midget basketball was a staple of high school sports in the 1990s.  About 10 years ago, most leagues started to fold for a variety reasons, including eligibility changes (back in my day, some grade 11s with September and onward birthdays could play junior -- the "three year junior" rule) as well as the switch from "5 year" to "4 year" schooling.

The league is for grade 9 boys who are not on the junior basketball team.  There are some "rule tweaks"; most notably, the game is played with two 20 minute "straight time" halves, except for the final 2:00 of each half.  Pressing is also not permitted until the final 2:00 of the game.

Last year, the St. Benedict Saints took the D8 title over Resurrection CSS, 26-19.  

More importantly, many players have gone on to junior (and senior) success.  Jamal Hajo, who scored 16 points in last year's game, is now on the SBCSS junior roster, while four Resurrection players --- Nik Potvin, Nick Snider, Kevin Santolini, and Andrew MacNeil --- now play for the junior team at RCSS.  Snider was Rez's leading scorer (14 points) in yesterday's game.

Today's schedule over at RCSS sees Resurrection play St. David (3:30pm), St. David against St. Benedict (4:30pm) and St. Benedict vs. Resurrection (5:30pm).