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Friday, October 22, 2010

Simcoe Reformer: Raiders Trip Up Titans for Fifth Straight Win

Retrieved From:  http://www.simcoereformer.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2812090

Article By:  Monte Sonnenberg

At the midway point of the season, the Delhi Raiders junior girls basketball team has positioned itself as the team to beat.

The Raiders rolled over the Holy Trinity Titans 49-15 Thursday for their fifth straight win of the season, all of which have been convincing. As the score suggests, the outcome was never in doubt.

"The girls play as teammates," said Delhi co-coach Dalia Norkus. "They've gelled. They don't look to score as individuals. They look to score as a team. No one ever keeps track of their points."

The Raiders are scary because the vast majority of their players are first year. If they have a good season this year, chances are they will be unstoppable next year.

"For a young team, you'd think they had played together for a lot of years," said Raiders co-coach Ed Brooks. "They're having fun -- that's the important thing. Our secret is our running, our speed. We have some good runners on the team."

The Titans had their moments. They went toe-to-toe with Delhi through the first eight minutes, ending the first quarter down by a score of 14-10. However, the bottom fell out in the third quarter as Delhi outscored Holy Trinity 13-0.

A decisive loss like this is bearable for Titans coach Alli McColeman because this is a re-building year for her squad. McColeman is also working with a young team. She expects the experience and coaching of this season to pay dividends in 2011 and beyond. As it stands, the junior Titans have a record of one win, four losses.

"A lot of these girls are athletic, but they don't necessarily have that many basketball skills," McColeman said. "We'd be happy to make the playoffs. That's our goal at this point."

Kendra Freund led the way for Delhi with 13 points. Leah Ebdon was right behind with 12 points. Nicole Jansen was the high scorer for the Titans with 11 points.

The senior tilt earlier in the afternoon was a crowd pleaser, with the senior Titans pulling out a 35-32 win over their rivals from DDSS.

"It was a squeaker," said Delhi coach Brad Sergeant. "We had two chances in the final minute to win but we missed two lay-ups. But it was a really close game. Both teams played well."

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