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Thursday, October 14, 2010

WCSSAA & D10: Thursday Picks

D10 YTD Record:  26-1, .963
WCSSAA YTD Record:  31-5, .861


Note:  All Games at 3:30pm.

Waterloo CI (5-0) at KCI (5-0)
My Pick:  WCI

I'm a bit disappointed that this isn't a 5pm start, otherwise I'd be in attendance.  At any rate, in this rematch of last year's WCSSAA final (won in a close game by KCI), I think the Vikes have payback on their minds.  They go a bit deeper than the Raiders, and I look for them to win this one this afternoon.

Grand River (1-4) at Glenview Park (0-5)
My Pick:  GRCI
After a horrendous opening schedule that has included WCI, KCI, SJAM, Elmira and Galt (those teams are 19-6 combined), the Rens get both winless teams (Glenview & FHCI) in a span of 3 games.  Of course, next Tuesday they face another tough challenge in Cameron Heights, so this game is essentially a "must win" for them.  I think they'll get it done on the road here.

Elmira (3-2) at Southwood (3-2)
My Pick:  EDSS
A big game between a couple of "AAA" clubs that are vying for positioning and a potential CWOSSA berth come November.  Slight lean goes to the Lancers who are playing quite well over the past week or two.

Forest Heights (0-5) at Jacob Hespeler (1-4)
My Pick:  JHSS
I think both teams here are better than their records indicate.  I also think that the Hawks are slightly better than the Trojans, so I'll tab them to win here.

Eastwood (4-1) at WODSS (2-3)
My Pick:  ECI
Look for Michelle Hudyn and the rest of the Rebels to pick up their 5th win on the year at the expense of the Crusaders.

SJAM (3-2) at Preston (3-2)
My Pick:  PHS
This one could go either way.  I'll go with the homecourt Panthers.

Cameron Heights (4-1) at Galt (3-2)
My Pick:  CHCI
In perhaps the second best game on the schedule today, look for the CHCI Golden Gaels to get back in the win column after their initial setback a week ago vs. WCI. 


In the D10 league, we've gone once through the schedule so today's games repeat the September 21st schedule (of course, those that were home teams are on the road today). 

St. James (0-6) at Guelph CVI (4-3), 5:30pm.
First Meeting:  GCVI, 43-31
My Pick:  GCVI
No reason to go against the grain here, especially with the Gaels (who are playing very well lately, I might add) at home.

Centennial (2-5) at JF Ross (5-2), 4:00pm.
First Meeting:  JFR, 43-21
My Pick:  JFR
The Royals should improve to 6-2 here.  If they are able to come away with the win, it will be their first season-series sweep of Centennial since the 2007 season.

Orangeville (0-6) at Bishop Mac (7-0), 5:30pm.
First Meeting:  BMac, 58-16
My Pick:  Bishop Mac
The Celts to win easily at home.

Lourdes (4-3) at Centre Wellington (5-2), 5:30pm.
First Meeting:  OLOL, 46-45
My Pick:  CWDHS
The first meeting was a close one, with Lourdes coming away with a 1-point victory.  That said, the Crusaders haven't been at full strength lately (3 missing starters on Tuesday), and with the Falcons at home I anticipate a CW victory here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    If you want to catch a senior game, CHCI and Galt are now playing at 5pm. CHCI is showing great sportsmanship so the Phillips sisters can play as I think they are involved with tennis earlier. If it were played at 3:30 Cameron kills Galt.
