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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CWOSSAbasketball.com's Top 15 Players of the Decade**

Going to be starting this new column up here today. We'll continue with the "best GYM in CWOSSA" poll simultaneously as well, as I know a few people have been anxiously awaiting that.

To go over the ground rules:

1. This segment will generally appear about every second day or so. I figure there's about a month to CWOSSA, so if we follow that we should be wrapping this up the CWOSSA weekend.

2. Eligibility --- you have to have played the majority of your high school years in CWOSSA (apologies to Murphy Burnatowski & Bryson Johnson --- though I will continue to update all on their progress in my alumni updates....).

3. Note the asterisk in the title - the "past decade" generally includes about 2003 and on. Reasoning for this: #1 - switch to 4 years of high school (and changing of junior/senior age eligibility) and #2 - I was in the States between 2001-2003 so my knowledge of that time isn't the greatest.

3. Current players that would make this list (re: Stefan Cvrkalj) are not eligible as their careers are still in progress. Just so we're comparing apples with apples.

4. Keep in mind this is my ranking, and as such is just one guy's opinion......it should be fun though.

5. I'm basing this upon high school careers, and not what may (or may not) have transpired afterwards.

Without further ado, let's get it started......

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