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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SJAM's Robinet commits to University of Waterloo

Congratulations go to athletic 6'7" forward Jake Robinet from Waterloo SJAM, who has reportedly committed to the University of Waterloo Warriors.

Robinet, a second-team WCSSAA all-star last season (and a likely first-teamer this year) becomes the latest local product to stay at home.

In addition, Robinet will become the first ever SJAM Highlander to suit up for the program.

UW head coach Tom Kieswetter mentioned that "we're really excited about Jake and hope to have commitments from a few other local players over the next few weeks."

As we have further information, we'll gladly pass it along.

The Warriors (currently 8-6 in the OUA, 14-11 overall) have dug into the local talent pool lately --- on their current roster, 5 of their players are CWOSSA veterans.

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  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

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