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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

D5 Senior Monday: North Park 52, Assumption 31

Brantford Expositor Article:

Despite loss to Trojans, Lions back on track
Posted 6 hours ago

To build a successful program, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom first - and the Assumption College Lions experienced that last week.

Despite a devastating loss to Brantford Collegiate Institute last week and a 52-31 loss to the North Park Collegiate Trojans Monday, the senior boys basketball team is finally on the right path to success.

"We hit rock bottom (Thursday against BCI)," Lions coach Mike Petrella said. "The guys were thinking way too much about the game so we gave them the weekend off. They came back fresh today and we're proud of the way they played."

Being proud of their team may sound strange after a shellacking but heading into their tilt with the Trojans, the Lions knew it was going to be an uphill battle and there was no way to go but up.

"Our focus for today's game was to have fun and regardless of the score, work hard on every play," Petrella said. "They (NPC) have more talent than us. We had to match them in intensity tonight and I think we did that. And for that, we should be proud of these guys."

Petrella said the effort the Lions gave is something that can go along way. The key is for the players to remember how they played and match that intensity for the remainder of the season.

"We're in a rebuilding phase," Petrella said. "For them to come out and play hard against an elite team is something that can be built on."

Though it was a blowout, the Lions did keep it close in the first quarter, only being down five. But the bigger, stronger, undefeated Trojans used its outside shooting and size inside to finally put the game out of reach.

Mark Dickens led the Trojans scoring 16 points, 12 of which were beyond the three-point arc. Dave Eves scored 15, while Brandon Webster netted 10. Cale McDonald scored six points, Mike Dulmage had four and Marcus Hamilton added two.

Peter Baterseh and Jordan McCormack each scored five points to lead the Lions, while Justin Thibideau netted three. Kevin Cleary, Brady Jonker and Paul Sobolski each added two points.

While the Lions were trying to get on the right track, Dulmage said he and the Trojans are trying to maintain the path they've set from the beginning of the season.

"I think we played a good game tonight," Dulmage said. "We're coming off a big tournament on the weekend and we just want to keep playing the way have been."

The Trojans posted a 2-1 record at the Silver Fox Tournament in Hamilton, where they were able to match up with some of the other highly ranked teams in the province. And having run rough shot over the entire Brant league thus far, playing in tournaments like that is the best thing for them.

"Even when we lost we were happy with the way we played," Dulmage said. "Going to tournaments like that is a good thing for us. It's the type of thing that keeps our heads level."

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