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Thursday, September 27, 2012

News And Notes: Qahwash Announces Top 40 Senior Girls' Camp

After a solid junior boys "Tri-City Top 40 Camp" last spring, Imad Qahwash is branching out.

Next up in his future?  A planned senior girls' version of the "Tri-City Top 40" to be added to his list of basketball offerings.

"There has been some (interest in) starting a senior girls' camp," said Qahwash.  "I feel as though basketball for young women in our region needs to be appreciated more and needs to get the attention it deserves, especially considering how competitive the area is on the provincial stage.  I feel there is a bunch of talent that is sometimes overlooked as a whole in the region."

The camp, sponsored by Adidas next year (who will be providing player apparel), will have the same premise as Qahwash's camp this year.  He'll be inviting top CWOSSA talent, with this year's season playing a big role in determining who gets an invite.

"Players will be selected based on their performance this season," noted Qahwash.  "We will have regional scouts and coaches watching games and giving feedback. We are open to nominations but have a preliminary list of what we want in each player invited to camp. This is an invite only camp; that said, we feel performance this season will set players apart."

Qahwash added that the camp will be instructed by several former CIS All-Canadians and Division I women's players, and that at least 15 college/university coaches have already confirmed their attendance.  

In terms of details, invitations won't be sent out until Qahwash and his team have a chance to review recommendations based upon this season's performances --- likely in late February or early March.  The camp is set to go May 17th through 19th, 2013, at RIM Park in Waterloo.

Meanwhile, Qahwash is currently out in California auditioning for the LA D-Fenders of the NBA Development League (NBDL).  For more information on that, check out The Record's article that ran in last week's paper.