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Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekly CWOSSA Power Rankings - All Divisions

Teams have made it interesting for me this week, that is for sure:

"A" Junior
1.  Delhi DSS (1)
2.  Walkerton DSS (2)
3.  Rockway Mennonite (4)
4.  Waterford DHS (3)
5.  Peninsula Shores (5)

"A" Senior
1.  Walkerton DSS (1)
2.  Rockway Mennonite (2)
3.  Delhi DSS (3)
4.  Woodland CHS (4)
5.  Pere Rene de Galinee (NR)

Dropped Out:  Peninsula Shores (Last Week:  5)

"AA" Junior
1.  Bishop Macdonell - Guelph (1)
2.  Owen Sound CVI (2)
3.  Our Lady of Lourdes - Guelph (3)
4.  Sacred Heart - Walkerton (4)
5.  Norwell DSS - Palmerston (5)

"AA" Senior
1.  Our Lady of Lourdes - Guelph (1)
2.  Owen Sound CVI (2)
3.  Sacred Heart - Walkerton (4)
4.  Bishop Macdonell - Guelph (3)
5.  John Diefenbaker - Hanover (5)

"AAA" Junior
1.  North Park - Brantford (1)
2.  St. James - Guelph (2)
3.  Glenview Park - Cambridge (4)
4.  Kitchener CI (5)
5.  Brantford CI (6)
6.  Galt CI - Cambridge (3)
7.  Elmira DSS (7)
8.  Jacob Hespeler SS - Cambridge (8)
9.  Paris DHS (9)
10.  Huron Heights SS - Kitchener (10)

"AAA" Senior
T1.  North Park - Brantford (2)
T1.  St. James - Guelph (1)
3.  St. David - Waterloo (3)
4.  Centre Dufferin - Shelburne (5)
5.  Kitchener CI (4)
6.  Preston HS - Cambridge (9)
7.  Huron Heights - Kitchener (T10)
8.  Galt CI - Kitchener (T10)
9.  Holy Trinity - Simcoe (NR)
10.  Paris DHS (8)

Dropped Out:  Southwood SS (Last Week:  7), Brantford CI (Last Week:  6)

"AAAA" Junior
1.  St. Mary's HS - Kitchener (1)
2.  St. John's College - Brantford (2)
3.  Cameron Heights CI - Kitchener (4)
4.  Forest Heights CI - Kitchener (3)
5.  Grand River CI - Kitchener (5)
6.  Resurrection CSS - Kitchener (8)
7.  JF Ross - Guelph (9)
8.  Centre Wellington - Fergus (6)
9.  Bluevale CI - Waterloo (10)
10.  Eastwood CI - Kitchener (7)

"AAAA" Senior

I'll try to include some key wins and other "notable info" about the teams.  Just let me know if I'm missing any key wins/losses and I can include.  I'm going by memory here.

1.  St. Mary's HS - Kitchener (1)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Resurrection, Bluevale, SJAM, Forest Heights
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Resurrection
Other Key Info:  1 point loss to Anderson CVI (Ontario #6)

2. Resurrection CSS - Kitchener (2)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  St. Mary's, Forest Heights, SJAM, North Park
Key CWOSSA Losses:  St. James (Tourn. Friendly), St. Mary's
Other Key Info:  Winner of SBCSS 32-team tournament

3.  Cameron Heights CI - Kitchener (4)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Forest Heights, Bluevale, Grand River, Centennial
Key CWOSSA Losses:  SJAM, Centennial
Other Key Info:  Won Guelph East Side's Tournament (GRCI/SJAM/CCVI/KCI)

4.  Forest Heights CI - Kitchener (3)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Bluevale (2x), Centennial, JF Ross
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Resurrection, St. Mary's, Cameron Heights
Other Key Info:  Won FHCI Tourney (WCI/CCVI/GRCI/CHCI)

5.  Bluevale CI - Waterloo (T6)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Grand River, North Park
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Forest Heights (2x), Cameron Hts., St. Mary's, SJAM
Other Key Info:  Tournament win over Father Henry Carr (Toronto)

6.  John F. Ross CVI - Guelph (T6)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  St. James (2x), CCVI (2x), WCI (2x)
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Forest Heights

7.  SJAM - Waterloo (5)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Bluevale, Cameron Hts, Grand River
Key CWOSSA Losses:  KCI, Centennial, WCI, Resurrection, St. Mary's

8.  Grand River CI - Kitchener (8)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  Centennial, WCI
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Bluevale, SJAM, Cameron Heights (2x), Forest Heights

9.  Centennial CVI - Guelph (T10)
Key CWOSSA Wins:  St. James, SJAM, Cameron Heights
Key CWOSSA Losses:  St. James, JF Ross (2x), CWDHS, Lourdes, GRCI

10.  Waterloo Collegiate (T10)
Key CWOSSA Losses:  Eastwood, Bluevale, Grand River, Cameron Heights, JF Ross (2x)

Dropped Out:  St. John's College (Last Week:  T10)

***New This Week:  Overall CWOSSA Top 10***

1.  Bishop Macdonell - Guelph (AA)
2.  St. Mary's - Kitchener (AAAA)
3.  St. John's - Brantford (AAAA)
4.  Cameron Heights - Kitchener (AAAA)
5.  Forest Heights - Kitchener (AAAA)
6.  Grand River - Kitchener (AAAA)
7.  North Park - Brantford (AAA)
8.  Resurrection - Kitchener (AAAA)
9.  JF Ross - Guelph (AAAA)
10.  St. James - Guelph (AAA)

1.  St. Mary's - Kitchener (AAAA)
2.  Resurrection - Kitchener (AAAA)
3.  Cameron Heights - Kitchener (AAAA)
4.  Forest Heights - Kitchener (AAAA)
5.  Bluevale - Waterloo (AAAA)
6.  JF Ross - Guelph (AAAA)
T7.  St. James - Guelph (AAA)
T7.   North Park - Brantford (AAA)
9.  SJAM - Waterloo (AAAA)
10.  Grand River - Kitchener (AAAA)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Cameron also won Their and Windsor tournament
