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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mark's Picks: Tuesday, October 26th

YTD D10 Senior Picks Record:  38-2 (.950)
YTD WCSSAA Senior Picks Record:  50-7 (.877)

Getting right to work here.....


Guelph CVI (6-4) at Orangeville (0-10)
My Pick:  GCVI
The Gaels should continue their grasp on 4th place in the D10 league, which is important as it would mean a first-round playoff game at home.

Bishop Mac (10-0) at St. James (1-9)
My Pick:  BMac
Shouldn't be an issue here for the Celtics as they seek to improve to 11-0.  The Lions are playing much better as of late, but don't quite have enough firepower to take out the Celtics.

Lourdes (5-5) at Centennial (3-7)
My Pick:  OLOL
With Lourdes' injuries, this is essentially a toss-up in my opinion.  I'll take the Crusaders today.

JF Ross (8-2) at Centre Wellington (7-3)
My Pick:  CWDHS
This game is extremely important, as the winner will likely have home-court advantage in a possible semi-final game (should these clubs finish 2nd and 3rd).  Though Jaime Janssen is out for the Falcons, CWDHS did play well without her against Bishop Mac.  I'll take CW to continue Ross' struggles against teams named "Falcons" (CWDHS or OSCVI) this season.


(Note a couple of changes from the WCSSAA website)

KCI (7-1) at Preston (6-2)
My Pick:  KCI
As I've stated a couple of times, the "meat and potatoes" of Preston's schedule really kicks in this week with games against KCI and WCI.  Though I don't think it will be a blowout here, look for the Raiders to be ahead at the end.

SJAM (3-5) at WCI (8-0)
My Pick:  WCI
Though the WCSSAA website has "PHS vs WCI", process of elimination says that it will be SJAM taking the court against the Vikes today.  Oh, and WCI should improve to 9-0 today as well.

Eastwood (6-2) at Elmira (4-4)
My Pick:  ECI
Provided they don't have a "tournament hangover" after a strong outing this past weekend, look for the Rebels to take this one on the road.

Galt (5-3) at Jacob Hespeler (3-5)
My Pick:  GCI
The Ghosts should get a big win today and improve their positioning in a muddled group of WCSSAA teams in the standings.

Cameron Heights (7-1) at Forest Heights (1-7)
My Pick:  CHCI
A Cameron win coupled with a Preston loss would virtually secure a first-round bye for the Gaels.  I think they'll do their part, anyways, on the road today.

Southwood (4-4) at WODSS (2-6)
My Pick:  SSS
A Southwood win today would clinch them a playoff berth.  I look for them to win a close game on the road to do so.

Bluevale (5-3) at Grand River (3-5)
Pick:  BCI
An intriguing upset possibility here, but I'll stay safe and roll with the Knights today.

Bye Win (HHHS):  Glenview Park (after coming oh-so-close last Thursday, they are awarded their first win of the season).


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Grand will beat Bluevale today. I think Elmira has a good chance to upset Eastwood.

    Do you know what's up (maybe down is a better term) with JR's WCSSAA sports site?

  2. Interesting. Yes, we will see which GRCI (and Bluevale for that matter) teams come to play today. The Rens are definitely better than their record, that is for sure.

    EDSS plays well at home, though ECI seems to be playing well as of late too (beating CHCI on the weekend).

    As for JR's WCSSAASports.com, the last time I talked to him it seemed as though things were just way too busy for him at this point in time to do some posting.

    That said, I think it's a "temporary" thing as he hopes to get back into the swing of things at some point.

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Any chance you can get the results and scorers from the Southwood Tourn?

  4. Though I did post a bit the other day (with more exact scores), here's what I know results-wise:

    First Round

    Southwood over MM Robinson

    Ancaster over Westside (by 20ish)

    Cameron Hts over Centre Dufferin (high scoring game - by about 10ish)

    Eastwood over Highland (by 1)

    ECI over CHCI (in OT)
    Ancaster over SSS

    Ancaster over ECI

    ....no word on the consolation side, however. Three fairly strong teams though (Westside, CDDHS, Highland).

  5. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I have Cameron scores from the Southwood Tournament.

    Cameron 74
    Liz McLellan 25, Erin Robbins 24

    Centre Dufferin 62
    Rachel Krushnisky - 39

    Eastwood 54
    Michelle Hudyn - 21

    Cameron 51
    Erin Robbins 23, Liz McLellan 15

    Cameron 50
    Erin Robbins 28, Liz McLellan 22

    Southwood 37
