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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Southwood Junior Tournament Pits Top Clubs Against Each Other

Southwood Secondary School in Cambridge is hosting a junior girls' basketball tournament this coming weekend (October 15/16), and it promises (at least) one very intriguing matchup.

The tournament kicks off on Friday at 3:00pm with a game between two of the top junior teams in CWOSSA, the Guelph Lourdes Crusaders and the Jacob Hespeler Hawks from Cambridge.  The Crusaders were ranked #1 in my most recent "AA" ranking, while the Hawks took the #2 spot in "AAA", just behind Guelph St. James (who actually play Lourdes tonight).

Aside from the above three schools, other participating teams from CWOSSA include Kitchener Grand River, Kitchener Resurrection, Orangeville's Westside SS, and Guelph Centennial.  Saunders Secondary School from London (1-3 currently in the TVRAA) completes the field, which shapes up as follows:

3:00pm - Jacob Hespeler vs. Lourdes
4:30pm - Grand River vs. Saunders
6:00pm - Resurrection vs. Centennial
7:30pm - Southwood vs. Westside

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