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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

CWOSSA "AAAA" Schedule

Still awaiting confirmation of which pool will play at which gym, but here's the schedule.

Interesting to note that, after the issue and complaints that arose from last year's boys tournament schedule, is that the CWOSSA schedule will alternate (even year - odd year).  In even years (2010), the WCSSAA #1 and D10 #1 teams will have the "best" schedules and the most rest between games.

However, in odd years (this coming boys CWOSSA and next year's girls tournament), the D8 #1 team and D5 #1 teams will have the most rest. 

Here's this year's Friday schedule:


Junior - Pool "A"
10am:  Bluevale vs. Centennial
2pm:  Centennial vs. St. Benedict
6pm:  St. Benedict vs. Bluevale

Junior - Pool "B"
10am:  Guelph CVI vs. Cameron Heights
2pm:  Cameron Heights vs. St. John's
6pm:  St. John's vs. Guelph CVI

Saturday Schedule - Semifinals:
9am:  Pool A "#1" vs. Pool B "#2"
10:30am:  Pool A "#2" vs. Pool B "#1"

Final:  6:00pm, Saturday


Senior - Pool "A"
11:30am - WCI vs. Guelph CVI
3:30pm - Guelph CVI vs. St. Mary's
7:30pm - St. Mary's vs. WCI

Senior - Pool "B"
11:30am - Centre Wellington vs. Cameron Heights
3:30pm - Cameron Heights vs. St. John's
7:30pm - St. John's vs. Centre Wellington

Saturday - Semifinals
Pool A #1 vs. Pool B #2 - Noon
Pool A #2 vs. Pool B #1 - 1:30pm

Senior Final:  Saturday, 8:00pm

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