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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

D4 Girls' All-Stars

Here are the all-stars as recently announced by the D4 league:

D4 Junior
Pier Zuk, Erin DHS
Holly Kaitting, Erin DHS
Becca Morrison, Erin DHS

Nicole Bauman, Wellington Heights
Kristie McBride, Wellington Heights
Mikayla Pletsch, Wellington Heights
Laura Rumph, Norwell DSS
Chelsea Houle, Norwell DSS
Toni Juric, Westside SS

Shelby Parkes, Westside SS
Britney Davison, Centre Dufferin
Carlin Caterberg, Woodland Christian

D4 Senior
Ivana Juric, Westside
Brooke Rowland, Westside
Sami Mikulik, Westside
Rachel Krushnisky, Centre Dufferin
Melanie Kaehili, Centre Dufferin
Carleigh Monk, Erin DHS
Chanel Laffin, Erin DHS
Karlee Duggan, Norwell DSS
Amy Rush, Woodland Christian

*Wellington Heights also has two senior all-stars that were not named by the time the rest of the list was released.  Will update this post when we get the information.

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