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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guelph Mercury: Guelph Rules in Girls Hoops

Article By:  Rob Massey

GUELPH — District 10 high school girls’ basketball teams continued their stranglehold on the CWOSSA AA titles Wednesday as the Bishop Macdonell Celtics seniors and Lourdes Crusaders juniors ruled the finals.

Bishop Mac won Wednesday’s senior final 59-33 over the Owen Sound CVI Falcons in a game that was a little closer than the score indicated. The Celtics didn’t lead until midway through the first quarter, although they never trailed after that.

Bishop Mac has won the senior CWOSSA AA title final every year since 2004 — seven straight championships. (Monsignor Doyle of Cambridge, in 2003, was the last non-District 10 team to win the title).

A District 10 school has won the junior crown every year since 2003. Lourdes last won in 2008 while Bishop Mac won last year.

The senior Celtics were showing no ill effects of their District 10 semifinal surprise when they were upset by the Guelph CVI Green Gaels. The Celtics had finished atop the league while the Gaels were fourth.

“We knew that Owen Sound was a very good team so, basically, our primary concern was just getting ourselves back to the way we were playing a few weeks ago before we had our little slip-ups,” Bishop Mac coach Karen Bremner said. “That’s going to happen to any team, it was just unfortunate that ours happened at semis.

“This is how we’ve been wanting to play for a long time and it’s come together at the right time. It’s not very often you get to redeem yourself with CWOSSA after a playoff loss, so we were very, very fortunate. They did all the leg work to get themselves into first place in the first place to ensure a berth into this.”

“We knew we had to play differently than we have been playing,” Bishop Mac co-captain Alison Morris said. “In the last couple of weeks, we haven’t been playing too good so we just knew we had to change that up and we did a good job of that.”

Bishop Mac got back to its usual form of pinpoint passes and using its speed on fast breaks.

The Celtics and Falcons were rarely separated by more than four points until Bishop Mac got a little wriggle room when Morris found her range from three-point territory. She sank five threes in the first half as she helped Bishop Mac to a two-point lead after one quarter and a 32-22 advantage at the half.

“When I’m hot, I’m hot,” Morris said. “It happened to work out that way in the first half today.”

And her teammates know that when she’s on, they just need to keep feeding her the ball.

“When we shoot well, and when Alison in particular shoots well, it definitely gives us a little breathing room to do the other things that we do well,” Bremner said. “It makes it easier for us to go inside outside.”

The second half was about defence as the Celtics stifled the Falcons before holding on to the ball for most of the final three minutes to run out the clock.

Morris led the Celtics with 17 points, all scored in the first half, while Andrea Priamo netted 16 (12 in the second half) and Logan lane had 11. Sandra Clark, Rebecca Kiel and Janine DeLeon had four apiece with Sarah Priamo getting two and Katie Labron one.

Erika French had 11 for Owen Sound while Jocelyn Anderson added eight.

To gain a berth in the final, the Celtics defeated the Kincardine Knights 54-27. Clark and Kiel each had nine points while Labron and the Priamos had eight apiece. Lane and DeLeon added four each with Morris and Kaitlyn Phillips netting two each. Carly Schmidt had nine for Kincardine while Marissa Jolley followed with eight.

Owen Sound defeated the Wellington Heights Wolverines of Mount Forest 54-24 in the other semifinal. Anderson had 13 for Owen Sound while French added 12. Morgan McDougall-Cook led Wellington Heights with seven.

Bishop Mac advances to next week’s OFSAA championship tournament at Sarnia. The Celtics have won the last two provincial titles.

Wednesday’s junior final was no contest as District 10 champion Lourdes clobbered the Walkerton Sacred Heart Crusaders 63-19.

Lourdes blanked Sacred Heart in the first quarter and didn’t yield a basket until the 3:43 mark of the second eight-minute quarter. Lourdes held quarter leads of 19-0, 38-4 and 52-13 on their home court.

Madison Vettoretto led Lourdes with 13 points while Cecilia Hudecki had 11 and Charlotte Case nine. They were followed by Monica Trimble with eight, Alana Toms and Victoria Brombal with six each, Erin Gerstenkorn with four and Kate McNamara, Bronwyn Heffernan and Valentine Kitoko with two each.

Amber Smolenaars had six for Sacred Heart while Katrina Young added four.

In the semifinals, Lourdes clouted the John Diefenbaker Trojans of Hanover 78-30 while Sacred Heart nipped the Erin Raiders 29-27.

Hudecki had 11 points for Lourdes while Trimble netted 10, Vettoretto and Case nine each, Brombal eight, Beaver and Kitoko seven each, Aida Raab six, Toms five and McNamara, Heffernan and Gerstenkorn two each.

Jenna Russwurm had 10 for Diefenbaker while Brooklyn Irwin added eight.

Young led Sacred Heart with 12 points while Victoria Carroll collected eight.

Pier Zuk had nine points for Erin while Becca Morrison had seven. Holly Kaitting and Kayla Hutchinson had four each.

The CWOSSA tournament marks the end of the junior season.

Retrieved From:  http://news.guelphmercury.com/Sports/article/722748

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