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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

WCSSAA Tiebreak: UPDATED Information

My apologies to the Preston Panthers, who are actually 4-7, and not 3-8 as I initially indicated earlier.  Seems like I overlooked their key upset win (over KCI) at home.  

This does leave an intriguing tiebreak potential today between SJAM (currently 3-8) and Galt (2-9) --- assuming Galt defeats Huron Heights and Waterloo-Oxford gets past the 'Landers.

This potential is made more intriguing by the fact that SJAM and Galt did not meet "head to head" during the season and would have to go to alternative tiebreakers.

Let's take a quick look (and again, this is all UNOFFICIAL until confirmed by league sources).....

1.  Wins against common opponents

Both would have 3 (SJAM:  GPSS/HHHS/PHS; GCI:  GPSS/HHHS/ECI)

So...we move on to the "+/-" tiebreaker:

2.  +/- Tiebreak --- games against common opponents are considered, with each game capped at 15 (+/-).

Common Opponents:  KCI, GPSS, ECI, CHCI, FHCI, PHS, BCI, HHHS, SSS.

The results from today's game would be added to the equation, i.e. Galt's result against Huron Heights and SJAM's game against WODSS.

SJAM (-55):  KCI (-7), GPSS (+8), ECI (-11), CHCI (-15), FHCI (-15), PHS (+3), BCI (-15), HHHS (+4), SSS (-7), WODSS (TBD).

Galt (-63):  KCI (-13), GPSS (+11), ECI (+3), CHCI (-15), FHCI (-15), PHS (-4), BCI (-15), HHHS (TBD), SSS (-15), WODSS (-15).

So, for today:
  • SJAM qualifies for the playoffs with a win, or a Galt CI loss. 
  • Galt will qualify for the playoffs as the #12 seed with a win AND an SJAM loss IF: 
    • they can "make up" the current 8-point +/- gap on SJAM as a result of their games.  For example, a 5-point Galt win combined with a 5-point SJAM loss would be enough to overcome the current 8-point deficit. 
  • SJAM will qualify for the #12 position even with a loss and a Galt win if:
    •  they can maintain their current +/- lead over Galt Collegiate.  For instance, a 2-point GCI win combined with a 4-point SJAM loss.